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Personal Training
Nutrition Coaching

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Mitch neubauer

owner & Personal Trainer

Mitch has over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry. He has worked with a variety of different people, ranging from young athletes, those looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or just simply feel better and get more comfortable in the gym!


Mitch enjoys keeping sessions unique and fun so you don't get bored and enjoy working out, while still helping you progress. He believes in sustainable fitness, so you can stay healthy long term. 

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Dr. Michelle
neubaueR D.c.

Chiropractor & personal training, & Nutrition Coach

Michelle has been personal training & nutrition coaching since 2017, while also getting her Doctorate of Chiropractic, specializing in women's health, weight loss, hormone balancing, and improving digestive health.

Dr. Michelle loves working with people from all walks of life with different goals, but she has a particular passion for hormone balancing and gut health. 

Intense Training
Intense Training

Personal Training

Working with a personal trainer is a great way to get comfortable in the gym. You will learn proper form, how to use machines, and how to push yourself more than you thought was possible. No membership is required for personal training, but you will only have access to the gym during your sessions.

30-minutes: $40/session

45-minutes: $55/session

Intense Training

Functional Nutrition

People often find that sticking to a healthy diet is one of their biggest challenges when reaching towards their goals. Nutrition can be confusing due to differing opinions online or people set unrealistic and unsustainable goals. 

What you eat doesn't have to be all or nothing, and half the battle is switching your mindset, being prepared, and having the right tools in your toolbox to be successful.

Dr. Michelle makes sure to help you set sustainable goals to set you up for success long term, teach you how to eat balanced meals, and help you find the root cause of any conditions or symptoms you may be dealing with, so that you can live your healthiest lives.

Common health and wellness goals she works with people on is hormone balancing, infertility, digestive issues and conditions, weight loss, autoimmune conditions, thyroid disorders, weight gain and sports performance, among other goals.

Nutritional Cooking


Get high quality supplements! Did you know supplements are not regulated by the FDA? Most supplements found in stores have not been 3rd party lab tested or the methods that they use are not transparent, so many supplements either have contaminants or don't contain the amount of ingredients stated on the label. Receive 10% off supplements using the link below.

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